LAS VEGAS — A keynote address from Ford CEO Alan Mulally, the Innovation Power Panel with leaders from Cisco, GE and Xerox, along with the first-ever Entertainment Matters keynote panel were the day two highlights of the 2011 International CES. Owned and produced by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), the 2011 CES, the world's largest consumer technology tradeshow, runs through Sunday in Las Vegas.
Friday morning's CES Innovation Power Panel keynote provided a unique discussion with three U.S. business luminaries — Ursula Burns, Chairman and CEO of Xerox; John Chambers, Chairman and CEO of Cisco and Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman and CEO of GE. Moderated by CEA President and CEO Gary Shapiro, the Innovation Power Panel discussion included many issues that affect American businesses' ability to innovate, including the U.S. education system, trade and exports, immigration policy and tax policy.
On education, the panelists agreed the U.S. K-12 system is broken. They recommended a measurable program with ambitious goals that would move the U.S. education to the top five in the world, from the top 30. Panelists agreed that the U.S. needs an immigration policy that encourages the best and the brightest not only to come attend college, but also to start companies in the U.S. and remain. [More at TSE]